Friday, November 28, 2008


Yep. Tonight at 6:30. be there or be square.


Yvie said...

Is there still a critical mass ride in Guelph? I noticed that the blogs stopped in 2008. I may be interested in attending one soon.

Thank you,


prograde said...

is there a ride this month? anyone out there?

Unknown said...

Is This another Cul-de-Sac on the Information Bike Trail?
June 26, 2009 Didn't achieve enuf 'Mass' to empty a bath tub of water!
What part of the process is letting us down? Please post your critique and/or advice ^^^above.

Unknown said...

Or vvv Below, whichever suits.

Yvie said...

Is it possible to post any critical mass rides on this site? That way we would know when they were taking place,and then we could attend.


Unknown said...

Critical bikers try to achieve mass at Gwelf CityHole on the last Friday of every month at 6:30 PM sharp or thereabouts. Previous rides have been canceled due to low attendance and/or excessive apathy.

Unknown said...

Yvie, please attend^^^^^^^^^^^